The AIL follows the evaluation scale of the European Language Portfolio (ELP) which is based on the outline of Schneider/North (S/N):

DELI - A2 - Basic Level II
Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue: A2
Schneider/North: N4
Suggested preparation time: 100-120 hours

DILI - B1 - Intermediate Level I
Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue: B1
Schneider/North: N6
Suggested preparation time: 240-300 hours

DILC - B1 - Intermediate Business Level
Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue: B1
Schneider/North: N6
Suggested preparation time: 280-340 hours including 40 hours of business Italian

DILI - B2 - Intermediate Level II
Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue: B2
Schneider/North: N8
Suggested preparation time: 320-400 hours

DALI - C1 - Advanced Level I
Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue: C1
Schneider/North: N9
Suggested preparation time: 450-500 hours

DALI - C2 - Advanced Level II
Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue: C2
Schneider/North: N10
Suggested preparation time: 600-650 hours


Portfolio Europeo delle lingue (ELP) A1 A2 B1 B1 B2 C1 C1 C2
Günther Schneider & Brian North (S/N) N2 N4 N6 N6 N8 N9 N9 N10



  • For more information about the European Portfolio of Languages:
  • The AIL DILC-B1 business language examination has been recognized from UFFT (Ufficio Federale della Formazione professionale e della Tecnologia / Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology) as the final exam of Italian Language for all the business schools of Swiss Confederation.


Italian language diploma

Italian language exams